Railway Board Announces Centralized Departmental Promotion Exams to Ensure Transparency
RRB to Conduct All Departmental Promotion Examinations via CBT for Enhanced Fairness and Transparency

New Delhi - In a landmark decision, the Railway Board has announced that all departmental promotion examinations will now be conducted by the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) through a Centralized Computer-Based Test (CBT) system. This initiative aims to ensure transparent, fair, and tamper-proof examinations, following the exemplary track record of the RRB in recent years.
Transparent and Fair Examination Process:
Since 2015, RRB has successfully examined over 7 crore candidates through computer-based tests without a single instance of paper leakage, impersonation, remote log-in, or the use of spy devices. The decision to centralize promotional exams stems from this remarkable experience of zero malpractice complaints and highly secure testing methods.
How RRB Ensures Transparency:
The process begins with the selection of exam conducting agencies through open tenders based on Quality and Cost-Based Selection (QCBS) criteria. Only agencies with certifications such as ISO, CERT-IN, and CMMI Level 3 or above are considered, ensuring the highest standards.
Exam Centre Specifications:
- Minimum 250 node capacity centres
- Complete CCTV surveillance with IP-based cameras
- Power backup infrastructure
- Centres isolated from commercial or residential areas
- Pre-exam and post-exam CCTV recording for three hours
- Biometric attendance using Aadhaar-based authentication
- Multiple levels of frisking using Hand-Held Metal Detectors (HHMD)
Technical Security Features:
- Question papers encrypted with 256-bit encryption
- Questions shuffled and randomized with no two candidates receiving the same paper sequence
- Proprietary Operating System to prevent unauthorized software installations
- Every mouse click and keystroke is recorded with a timestamp for audit purposes
Randomized Centre and Seat Allotment:
- Exam city details disclosed 10 days before the exam
- Venue details provided 4 days before the exam
- Candidates’ lab and node allotments are automated through randomized computerized generation
- Centre staff receive candidate information only two hours before the exam
Robust Invigilation System:
- Three-tier invigilation includes:
- ECA team invigilation
- Railway Officers and Supervisors
- Surprise inspections by Railway Vigilance Team
Candidate Verification and Eligibility:
All critical eligibility data, including caste certificates, identification marks, photographs, and signatures, are meticulously verified. Admit cards are embedded with QR codes to prevent forgery.
Transparency in Results:
Candidates are shown their question papers, answer booklets, and correct answer keys post-exam, with the option to raise objections regarding the correctness of any question or answer key.
Future Roadmap:
Zonal Railways will prepare an annual examination calendar, ensuring that all exams are conducted on time, based on a pre-defined schedule.
This decision reinforces Indian Railways' commitment to fostering a merit-based, corruption-free system that prioritizes fairness and equal opportunity.