Railway Board Announces Centralized Departmental Promotion Exams to Ensure Transparency

RRB to Conduct All Departmental Promotion Examinations via CBT for Enhanced Fairness and Transparency

Railway Board Announces Centralized Departmental Promotion Exams to Ensure Transparency

New Delhi - In a landmark decision, the Railway Board has announced that all departmental promotion examinations will now be conducted by the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) through a Centralized Computer-Based Test (CBT) system. This initiative aims to ensure transparent, fair, and tamper-proof examinations, following the exemplary track record of the RRB in recent years.

Transparent and Fair Examination Process:

Since 2015, RRB has successfully examined over 7 crore candidates through computer-based tests without a single instance of paper leakage, impersonation, remote log-in, or the use of spy devices. The decision to centralize promotional exams stems from this remarkable experience of zero malpractice complaints and highly secure testing methods.

How RRB Ensures Transparency:

The process begins with the selection of exam conducting agencies through open tenders based on Quality and Cost-Based Selection (QCBS) criteria. Only agencies with certifications such as ISO, CERT-IN, and CMMI Level 3 or above are considered, ensuring the highest standards.

Exam Centre Specifications:

  • Minimum 250 node capacity centres
  • Complete CCTV surveillance with IP-based cameras
  • Power backup infrastructure
  • Centres isolated from commercial or residential areas
  • Pre-exam and post-exam CCTV recording for three hours
  • Biometric attendance using Aadhaar-based authentication
  • Multiple levels of frisking using Hand-Held Metal Detectors (HHMD)

Technical Security Features:

  • Question papers encrypted with 256-bit encryption
  • Questions shuffled and randomized with no two candidates receiving the same paper sequence
  • Proprietary Operating System to prevent unauthorized software installations
  • Every mouse click and keystroke is recorded with a timestamp for audit purposes

Randomized Centre and Seat Allotment:

  • Exam city details disclosed 10 days before the exam
  • Venue details provided 4 days before the exam
  • Candidates’ lab and node allotments are automated through randomized computerized generation
  • Centre staff receive candidate information only two hours before the exam

Robust Invigilation System:

  • Three-tier invigilation includes:
  • ECA team invigilation
  • Railway Officers and Supervisors
  • Surprise inspections by Railway Vigilance Team

Candidate Verification and Eligibility:

All critical eligibility data, including caste certificates, identification marks, photographs, and signatures, are meticulously verified. Admit cards are embedded with QR codes to prevent forgery.

Transparency in Results:

Candidates are shown their question papers, answer booklets, and correct answer keys post-exam, with the option to raise objections regarding the correctness of any question or answer key.

Future Roadmap:

Zonal Railways will prepare an annual examination calendar, ensuring that all exams are conducted on time, based on a pre-defined schedule.

This decision reinforces Indian Railways' commitment to fostering a merit-based, corruption-free system that prioritizes fairness and equal opportunity.